Vision and Mission

Thromde Vision.

A vibrant and inclusive city balancing the three realms of Environment, Economy and Society.

Thromde Mission.

In pursuit of developing vibrant city in line with the ideals of GNH of the country through promotion of quality infrastructures and standard services provided by highly motivated, ethical and spirited team.


  1. By 2029, Thromde has a vibrant local economy with enhanced productivity and diversified local products.
  2. By 2029, more residents enjoy improved health and wellbeing
  3. By 2029, more children access and benefit from quality education and skills development
  4. By 2029, Thromde has proactive social protection and support measures
  5. Safety and disaster risks in Thromde are mitigated and managed at all times
  6. Bhutanese identity, culture, and values are strengthened
  7. Thromde’s public services are citizen-centric and delivered seamlessly in an efficient and effective manner