1. Provide effective and efficient land administration and management services within the Thromde jurisdiction.
2. Constantly update spatial database and carryout cadastral surveys.
1. Maintain and update Thram and cadastral records.
2. Administer, control and manage the ownership, land use and land rights of the citizens.
3. Conduct land cadastre.
4. Update reliable and authentic land information and spatial database.
1. Verify and approve land transaction and registration documents using eSakor system.
2. Facilitate issuance of ownership certificate/Lagthram/LUC/URC/LLC.
3. Resolve land disputes .
4. Facilitate land lease services.
5. Facilitate land substitute/compensation services.
6. Facilitate land exchange services.
7. Conduct land committee meetings/ implementation of solutions.
8. Facilitate collection of land taxes/applicable fees /charges and update information in ARMS.
9. Carry out cadastral surveys.
10. Carry out geophysical, geodetic, topographic, and other survey operations.