To fulfill the obligations as laid down in the Local Government Act of Bhutan – 2009 under Section 273 – Clause b, d, e, f, j, k and m is required to carry out urban infrastructure development for betterment of the urban residents considering the situation of rapid urbanization. The Division is primarily responsible for construction and maintenance of all urban infrastructures in line with the approved structure plan and local area plans within the Thromde jurisdiction.


  • Ensure quality urban infrastructure facilities.
  • Carry out planned development activities in consistent with the government policies and public expectations addressing ground reality.
  • Enhance quality and cost effective works through improved construction management.
  • Ensure that the works are implemented in accordance with the engineering standards, codes, guidelines etc.


  • Coordinate the preparation of bidding documents, evaluation of technical bids and finalize award of works.
  • Supervise construction works and carry out final inspection of contract works including preparation of final reports.
  • Maintain quality and cost effectiveness of infrastructures.
  • Participate in Traffic related issues to facilitate consultation with relevant stakeholders such as RBP (Traffic), RSTA, Department of Roads, Bhutan Post etc.
  • Operate and manage Parking contract.
  • Operate and maintain water supply system, sewerage system, streetlights, footpaths, school buildings.
  • Scrutinize water supply, sewerage and electrical drawings for new constructions.
  • Monitor water billing and recommend for revision of tariff.
  • Handle general correspondence works of the Division. 
  • Coordinate in-country trainings of sub-ordinate staff.
  • Provide necessary support to the donor assisted projects.
  • Carry out any other tasks assigned by the Executive Secretary. 


