The Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde Administration warmly congratulates and extends a warm welcome to Mr. Dorji Gyeltshen P who assumed the role of the Executive Secretary from today (13.02.2024). In a simple Tendrel Ceremony to mark the beginning of this endeavor, led by Dasho Thrompon, the staff of Thromde Administration, Dratshang, Dzongkhag, officials from the Regional Offices, Business Community and well-wishers offered Tashi Khadar and their good wishes.
Before assuming his current role, Mr. Dorji held the position of Chief Engineer under the Department of Surface Transport, MoIT, and was deputed to the Gyalsung Project as a head of Lead Infra. He holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Madras University, India.
As the Executive Secretary assumes his new responsibilities, we would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations and look forward to his successful leadership in inspiring and guiding the Thromde Administration towards new heights of achievement and excellence.
We would also like to offer our deepest appreciation and profuse thanks to Mr. Nima Dorji, Chief Engineer under the Infrastructure Division who has been shouldering the role of Offtg. Executive Secretary for the past 689 days. We are filled with deep gratitude and admiration for the dedication and passion you have brought to this role. Your unwavering commitment and tireless devotion have been a source of inspiration for us all.