02 June 2024

Social Forestry Day

Today the Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde planted trees and flowers to celebrate the Coronation Day of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and the Social Forestry Day.

Celebrating Social Forestry Day and Coronation Day through tree planting and flower cultivation helps raise awareness about the importance of green spaces in urban environments. By celebrating these occasions in this way, the administration is not only beautifying the surroundings but also promoting sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and the people living in the area.

This action is also a part of the Build-Up program for the upcoming launch of the document, "Face-lifting the Aesthetic Appeal of SJ Thromde" on 5th of June (World Environment Day).

In essence, the actions taken by the Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde Administration reflect a forward-thinking and proactive stance on environmental issues.