
Samdrup Jongkhar Primary School is located at the extreme corner, north east of the main town beside the main high way, on the left bank of the so called Dungsam chu about one kilometre away from the main commercial town. The school occupies an area of 7 acres. The school was established on an area of seven acres which was formally inaugurated on 15th May 2008, by HRH Ashi Dechen Yangzom Wangchuck to cater the needs of lower kindergarten up to grade three. Later, the school was upgraded to class IV in 2010 and V in 2012 and subsequently the school was upgraded to a full-fledged primary school in 2016. The primary school under the Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde, serves as a cornerstone of primary education within its community. With a dedicated team comprising of teachers and supporting staff, the school caters service to the educational needs of learners and the aspirations of their parents. Beyond conventional education, the school also extends its services to the community through early childhood centers and nonformal education programs. The school also provides inclusive education program for the children with special needs. The school is equipped with modern amenities and well-maintained wash facilities, the school stands as a beacon of quality education. Despite these strengths, challenges persist, notably a shortage of classrooms, dedicated staffroom, labs, and library rooms. These limitations, while present, do not deter the school's commitment to providing an enriching educational experience for its students and community members alike. The school has larger scope of becoming model school in future for the country due to its wide range of physical amenities, fostering team work and encouraging a healthy lifestyle among the learners. Currently there are 46 teachers with 765 students. The first principal of the school was Mr.Ngawang Tshering who was nurturing everything from the inception until taken over by Mr. Sonam Tshering in 2011 who looked after for almost eight years and superannuated from the same school. Mr. Karma Tshering, the present Principal joined this school in February 1st, 2019.


To attain academic excellence with GNH values.


1. To develop GNH based knowledge society in order to provide quality education through sound educational policies embedded with equitable sociable and inclusive education.

2. To produce productive students with right knowledge, skills and values.


Staff Statistics

Teacher   Male   Female  Total   Supporting Staffs   Male   Female  Total
Principal     01        00    01   Admin Assistant     00        01     01
General Teachers     15        15    30   Laboratory Assistant     00        01     01
Dzongkha Teachers     04        06    10   School Sport Coach     01        00     01
Special Education Need Teacher(SEN)     04        01    05   ECCD Facilators     02        00     02
                                       Total     24        22    46   NFE Instructor     01        01     02
          Caretaker     01        01     02
          NFE Cleaner     00        01     01
          Total     04        05     09


Student Statistics

Class & Section       Boys       Girls        Total  Class Teachers
PP A 19 14 33 Tshering Zangmo
PP B 16 17 33 Rinchen Pema
PP C 14 18 32 Sonam Dema
I A 10 19 29 Tshering Rabden
I B 15 12 27 Chimi Wangmo
I C 19 12 31 Yeshi Wangmo
I D 16 15 31 Tashi Zangmo
II A 12 15 27 Jamba
II B 11 14 25 Namgay Pem
II C 10 15 25 Yeshey Wangchuk
III A 13 14 27 Dawa Selden
III B 11 16 27 Tsheten Lhamo
III C 10 16 26 Thinley Pelden
III D 11 15 26 Tshering Lhaden
IV A 15 14 29 Tandin Dorji
IV B 19 10 29 Thukten Wangmo
IV C 17 12 29 Yeshi Lhamo
IV D 15 12 27 Lhacha Wangdi
IV E 16 13 29 Kencho Dorji
V A 13 15 28 Sonam Jamtsho
V B 14 15 29 Norbu Kezang
V C 12 17 29 Dechen Dorji
V D 11 18 29 Tashi Phuntsho
VI A 15 14 29 Samten Wangchuk
VI B 11 15 26 Wangchuk Namgay
VI C 15 10 25 Phuntsho Namgay
VI D 14 14 28 Tashi Choden Tshering
Total 372 393 765  

For more details, visit SJPS Facebook page: Samdrup Jongkhar Primary School