Dewathang Primary secondary School

Background of Dewathang Primary School

Dewathang Primary School was established in 1962 by the Royal Government of Bhutan. It is located below Jigme Namgyel Engineering College and is approximately 1.5 km away from the Samdrup Jongkhar-Trashigang highway, under Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde. It covers an area of 6 acres and 33 decimals under thram No. 180. The head who started the school was Mrs. Sonam Choden. It is connected with tarred road and internet facilities. It has a good infrastructural facility of 8 blocks in total, of which 2 blocks are two storied buildings. These are being used as classrooms. The two storied building is used as administrative block and library. Two single storied (old blocks) are also used as classrooms. Three other blocks are used as the book store, principal’s quarter and the caretaker’s quarter respectively. Toilet facilities for the students consist of two unit for boys and two units for girls. The sport facilities include football ground and basketball court. The school was started as a Primary School in 1962 and was upgraded to LSS in 2003 and then to MSS in 2005. As there was limited space for the expansion of the school for the large number of the students, the middle secondary school was being segregated into PS and MSS in 2008. MSS was then shifted to Garpawoong MSS in 2008. At present the school is headed by the principal Mr. Ugyen Penjor since July 2023.

1. Vision

SMART with GNH values (To raise well educated, disciplined, cultured and confident children who will contribute positively to the GNH society)

2. Mission

  • To ensure quality wholesome teaching and learning by promoting continuous professional development.
  • To create an enabling for children to learn and develop key skills and enhance their potential.
  • To inculcate core values and student through innovative methods and learner cantered activities.

School will be committed to inspire and encourage students towards perpetual enhancement of wholesome education to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum with dedication and loyalty to promote GNH.


                                                                                      Staff Statistic

   Teaching staff

 Staff Male Female Total
Principal 01 00  01
General teachers 14 13 27
Dzongkha teachers 08 02 10
ECCD Facilitators 01 04 05
NFEIs 00 03 03

Supporting staff

   Staff Male Female Total
Admin Assistant 01 00 01
SSI 00 00 00
Wet sweeper 00 01 01
Care taker 01 01 02
IT assistant 00 01 01


Students Statistics

Class& Section        Boys       Girls       Total                Class Teacher   Contact No    Total
PP A 13 08 21 Ugyen Bidha 17332664  
PP B 11 10 21 Yangchen Lhamo 17713530  
PP C 11 09 20 Sangay Wangchuk 17305737  
PP D 10 10 20 Phujay Norbu 17559628 81
I A 10 10 20 Sonam Zangpo 17823108  
I B 10 11 21 Dorji Wangmo D 16920768  
I C 12  9 21 Dorji Wangmo E 17681402 62
II A 13 12 25 Sherab Dorji 17383073  
II B 18 08 26 Tshogay Wangmo 17572148  
II C 15 11 26 Rinzin Yangchen 17602741 76
III A 13 11 24 Thugten Thinley 17431643  
III B  13 11 24 Ugyen Dorji 17941271  
III C 09 14 23 Pema Wangmo 17649292  
III D 13 11 24 Sonam Choden 17789443 95
IV A 10  14 24 Dorji Zangmo 17790979  
IV B 11 13 24 Birkha Bdr Gurung  17693985  
IV C 12 12 24 Yeshi Wangmo 77778556  
IV D 15 09 24 Dechen Wangmo 17695214  
IV E 13 10 24 Tshering Choden 17761295 119
V A 12 08 20 Karma Wangdi 17690554  
V B 09 10 19 Tshering Darjay 17689878  
V C 10 10 20 Pema Khandu 17437859  
V D 10 9 19 Kinzang Chophel 17686130 78
VI A 09 13 22 Tshering Wangdi 17827164  
VI B 10 12 22 Tandin Tshewang 17527283  
VI C 08 14 22 Ugyen Tshering 17877606 66
               Total 578


For more details, visit DPS Facebook page: Dewathang Primary School