To implement the provisions in the LG Act 2009, Section 273 a,b,l,o,p:
- Formulate local area plans and priorities in respect of the Dzongkhag Thromde and submit to the Thromde Tshogde for approval;
- Promote planned development and appropriate land use, control of squatter and illegal settlements and regulations of commercial activities;
- Ensure that urban planning and development are carried out in a manner which is consistent with the national urban development policies;
- Carry out preparation of structure plans including land use plans within the Thromde areas and recommend their approval to the Ministry for urban development;
- Carry out land pooling scheme or any other appropriate planning techniques and prepare local area plan within the jurisdiction of the Thromde;
- To review Urban Development Plan (UDP) on a 4 to 5 yearly basis for securing environmentally balanced, yet socially and economically dynamic development
- To coordinate preparation of local area plans that meets the objectives of UDP.
- Manage, evaluate and monitor the overall functioning of the sections under UPDD.
- Prepare and detail the five year plan activities in line with the investment plan.
- Prepare work plan to carry out the five year plan activities and monitor the progress.
- Coordinate preparation of UDP/LAP.
- Develop implementation strategies for sustainable development.
- Implement strategies approved by Thromde Tshogde through physical plans i.e UDP.
- Public consultation.
- Liaise with Zimpon’s office, MoWHS, NLCS and other agencies.
- Coordinate with other divisions of the organization.
- Conduct land verification and property transactions.
- Prepare and present planning reports for submission to the Thromde Tshogde and the MoWHS.
- Identify sites for various government organizations and institutions as required and requested.
- Any other task assigned by the Executive Secretary.